Download programs
Protojewel.exe program is a free program that allows you to send your models directly from your computer, from inside your Rhinoceros program, to Protojewel server. This program makes the screenshots of the model, labels it, compresses and encrypts it and sends it directly to Protojewel server.
Download the program Protojewel.exe. Close Rhinoceros before installing.
Evaluation version of Rhinoceros
This fully functional version will save 25 times. After that it is still functional except it will not save. The evaluation version also supports plug-ins.
Evaluation version of Flamingo
Flamingo brings advanced raytrace and radiosity rendering to Rhino. This is a fully functional version except it has limited materials, light fixture, and plant libraries, and it also draws thin black lines across the final rendered image.
Manuals download:
Getting Sterted with Rhino (ZIP file)
Start designing with Rhino through these 3 tutorials.
Basic Jewelry Tutorials (PDF file)
The tutorials are designed for beginners. They include five step-by-step lessons that illustrate different techniques used to model rings.
Download videos: